Thursday, May 22, 2008


"Blessed are those who mourn,
for they will be comforted" (Matthew 5:4, NIV).

This morning, I was reading John Dobbs' blog just before I went to work. He had posted that his 18-year old son had died on Wednesday morning, just 2 days before his high school graduation. He had been hit by a truck as he was walking a dark street because his car had broken down. I did not have time to post this at that time, but I want to let people know about the grief of the Dobbs' family. John preaches for a Church of Christ in Monroe, Louisiana. Janet, Christopher, and I met him and his wife just 2 months ago at the International Soul Winning Workshop. Please pray for all the loved ones who are mourning today.

While I was working today, I heard a report on the radio that singer Steven Curtis Chapman's 5-year old daughter also died yesterday in a car accident. Her older brother ran over her in their driveway. Maria was one of the Chapman's daughters who had been adopted from China. He and his wife have been tremendous supporters and advocates of Christian adoption. Please pray for them also. I do not know them personally, but Steven wrote the song that became "our song" at our wedding; and I have heard him interviewed numerous times on radio programs like FamilyLife Today as he was advocating adoption.

John Dobbs' blog may be viewed at Steven Curtis Chapman's official web site is Bobby Ross has written an article about these stories (and one other) for the Christian Chronicle at

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