Tuesday, August 24, 2010

James Brown: An Uncommon Celebrity Sports Broadcaster

This is an excerpt from Tony Dungy's latest book, The Mentor Leader:

"I've seen examples of adding value time and again...most recently by my broadcasting friend James Brown. In 2009, he and I stayed at the same New York hotel as we fulfilled our weekend broadcasting duties. Early in the season, JB called to invite me to a Bible study he was hosting. When I arrived at his room, I found him surrounded by members of the hotel staff--a bellman and people from maintenance and food services.

"JB explained that he had become friends with these people over the last year, talking in passing about things that mattered to each of them. Eventually, they decided to get together more formally when JB was in town to broadcast, and they began a Bible study.

"It didn't matter to JB that he wasn't in a direct position of leadership. What mattered was that he could build into other people's lives, one on one.

"And in the process, they could build into his life as well" (pages 197-198).


Joshua Tucker said...

That's really awesome!

Terry Laudett said...

I thought so, too. I have watched him for years without knowing what kind of man he is. I was very impressed.