This is an excerpt from Contact Church minister Ron Babbit's latest newsletter to supporters of his ministry:
"Every year at Contact, we have been blessed with great servants to walk alongside and to serve in whatever area in order to be a blessing to others. We continue to be blessed with an apprentice, 'Big Mac' Kaytie Jo. She shines with the darlins, both young and old, and shines mighty with the LORD. Occasionally she can't sleep at night because her heart is filled with concerns for her girls and their families. I will never forget a visit we made to a very uncomfortable, anger-filled house. I had tried to comfort the wife and two children who were cowering in the kitchen...afraid to breathe because of a clown shouting obscenities, put-downs, and nasty negatives. Big Mac immediately walked into the kitchen and started calming the two children, while I was reading the WORD to a very troubled man who didn't care that I was reading from GOD'S WORD. Big Mac...has a heart for the LORD.
"We also enjoyed the leadership of our interns: two other darlins and one hoss. All are students in college spending their summer with us at Contact. Yes, they raise their own money for their individual needs. Their responsibilities were teaching Bible classes on Sundays, running the van routes, and leading CBC (Contact Bible Club). That role is filled by 'ER' Kayla, who did a great job in leading, writing skits and lessons. It was a joy to watch 47 kids crawling all over her bones!
"Another God sent was Q or Quesie. She fit in immediately and lived up to the reputation from one of her elders. He said that she was very dedicated to the LORD, loves people, a hard worker, and very dependable. I loved watching her grow in her walk, and the way she touched the children. She continually reminded me when we needed to go visit and seize opportunities to encourage families so that we don't let them drop out of the race.
"Another intern was a hoss from Houston, Texas. His name is Ezequiel, but I call him 'Houston.' Houston is an IT-man, sharp with computers. He is the main computer hoss for Impact Inner-City Ministry. He was very kind and a great song leader. He taught some exciting songs to our children. He never turned down an opportunity or challenge to reach another heart. Houston was raised by his grandmother. When he was 3 years old, he saw his dad for about 10 minutes and hasn't seen him since. He has never seen his mother. He has a great heart of compassion.
"We have been blessed by this great team of servants who were fun, heart-caring, cross-motivated, and never concerned about who was in front. They just stepped up to get the job done. With this team, we were very busy, the evangelism kind of busy, reaching hearts."